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KLOVN (2019)

Del av Min Familie trilogien.


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Om filmen:


Bendik is 9 years old, and he is very fond of his father. There is just one problem, Bendik's dad drinks too much. When his father drinks, Bendik feels that he acts like a clown that no one likes. Bendik can't stand his dad’s drinking.


In "Clown", the filmmaker has used memories from his own childhood to tell a story of a family that pretends that everything is fine and that the picture is perfect. In the film you also meet children who talk about what they would have done if they had had a mom or a dad  who drank too much.





Daglig leder

Torgeir Kalvehagen


(+47) - 916 34 868


Filmplot AS

Siva Herøya Næringsparka

Tormod Gjestlands veg 16,

3936 Porsgrunn

Filmplot AS

Safirvegen 7,

3931 Porsgrunn


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